"Secret skimping is out, like false bosoms." - Marjorie Hillis, Orchids on Your Budget, 1937.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 2013 Net Worth

Emergency Fund: $10,082.78
Checking: $99.00
Travel: $0.02
Medical/Dental: $315.37
Education: $620.69
Roth IRA: $10,999.38
401k: $8,164.00
Total Positive: $30,281.24

Rent: PAID
Groceries/Utilities: PAID
Phone: PAID
Subway: PAID
Credit cards: $1,083.13
Total Negative: $1,083.13

Net Worth: $29,198.11

Welp, I didn't quite make my goal of a $30k net worth by February, but I got pretty close, mostly by interest and accident.  I clearly lost focus in the spending department.  It didn't even go crazy with the shopping, so I'm not really sure what that number is made up of.  I guess it's time to whip out the old spreadsheet.  I know I say that every time I update, but now that I have an iPhone, I don't really have an excuse.  I need to take advantage of the plethora of apps out there and just update it on the reg, and in real-time.

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